WE274B (per each)


WE274B (per each)

The true value of WE274B is to tell everyone: only the legend can exceed legend.
After WE300B, PSVANE WE274B will continue to shock the world and reach the peak;
It takes 18 months to correct and perfect the sound synchronization in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and America, PSVANE is the only new vacuum tube that can inherit the Western Electric, the price is only one-tenth of the original tube.
It will be the best rectifier tube that you have ever listened, is the best, no one!
It is the only one that completely copied the lettering edition of Western Electric’274B in 40S, there is no any compromise in material, structure, craft, sound performance and all the links :
Holding the drawing and formula of the original factory that have been sealed for years, totally followed the original requirement at all details that including humidity and temperature.
Glass shell eight feet directly heated full-wave rectifier,274B is very similar with 5U4G and 5Z3P, which can be replaced by each other.
If…….. 2.5A
Maximum Rating
anode inverse peak voltage…….1550V
anode peak current …………..750mA
Recommend working condition
Anode supply voltage 2 x 500V
Each arm impedance 75Ω
load impedance 2000Ω
Filter capacitor 4μF
Rectifier current ≧220mA


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