V-03 (Japan Soshin) steoro


V-03 (Japan Soshin) steoro

This Remote volume control board as designed by LITE AUDIO provides a high end sound quality with ease of use. The volume can be set in 99 steps of exactly 1.0dB. Additionally and 4 inputs. using relay (Halcro also use relay on their DA10 pre amp) switching two set of 1/4W resistor(R-2R ladder network). 1dB per step, attenuate from 0dB to -99dB, output impedance is near constant. Left and Right channel are total separated to minimize the cross talk interfere
main pcb size: L 180mmX W 45mm
dsiplay board: L 230mm X W 52mm
Kit’s include :
– Each set include two pieces of R-2R ladder and input relay board
– one piece of display board
– one piece of power regulator board
– one remote handset

Available Options :
Mounting hardware for V-03 abd V: yes (+US$3)
Power transformer : EI(+US$7)

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