LITE LS-58 pre-amp (6SN7)
6SN7 Classic line amp, first stage is common cathode, output stage used a cathode follower.
LITE LS-9 Tube Pre-Amp Circuit modified from Jadis 200, using 6 pieces of 12AT7 double side gold plated pcb board, PP coupling capacitor, metal film and carbon film resistor
LITE LS-60 Balance Tube pre-amp Full balance with single end input and output . First stage using 12AU7 with Fet constant current source instead of cathode resistor, ouput using 6DJ8 as cathode follower. V-03 sohsin balance remote volume control and input select
LITE A-16 Balance Pre Amp Mono design balance input and balance output pre-amp, came from modified voltage amp section of Mark Levinson No.20.5, LM394 input with servo. Digital remote volume control and input select
LITE LS10 Tube Per Amp (Remote volume control) Modify from classic AUDIO NOTE M7 Per Amp,circuit using two 12AU7
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