805-T (one pair)
805-T (one pair)
T-Series: covering all common styles, nobility, high density and high tone quality. Moving emotion expressiveness, you’ll fall in love with it at the first sight .
805-T is direct-heated type thorium tungsten cathode triode, can be used as class B, A – F, R – F power amplification, class C R – F power amplification and high frequency oscillation.
Uf————————————–10 V
If—————————————3.25 A
Direct Interelectrode Capacitances
input———————————8.5 PF
output———————————-10.5 PF
grid to plate———————————-6.5 PF
Maxinmum Rating
Ua———————————-1500 V
Pa——————————125 W
Recommended Operating Conditions ( reference value)
class B(A-F) for two tubes:
typical working condition limited parameter
Ua—————— 1250 1500 1250 V
Ia (mAx.sig per tube)——————-210 mA
Pa (in) (mAx.sig per tube)—————315 W
Pa (per t —————————-125 W
Ug————————————16 V
Ug(pk)————— 235 280 V
Ia (0)—————–148 84 mA
Ia(mAx.sig)———-500 600 mA
Pd(mAx.sig)————6 7 W
RL(a—a)—————6.7 8.2 KΩ
Pout(mAx.sig)———-300 370 W
class B(R-F) for two tubes:
Carrier conditions the biggest modulation coefficient is 1 per tube
typical working condition limited parameter
Ua—————— 1250 1500 1500 V
Ug———————————-—10 V
Ia ——————-135 115 150 mA
Pa (in) ——————————185 W
Pa ———————————125 W
Ug(pk)—————-70 70 V
Ig ——————-15 15 mA
Pd——————-11 7.5 W
Pout——————55 57.5 W