5881 (one pair)
5881 (one pair)
Hi-Fi Series: classic style, exquisite craft, comprehensive and balanced sound performance, largest sales volume over the world, best choice for you.
5811 is a beam power tetreode, its anode limited dissipation power is 23W, it can be used as classA1, AB1 and AB2 in audio amplifier, and it also can be used in electronic voltage regulator circuit. 5881 is similar with 6L6G, 6L6GA, 6L6GB and 6L6GC,they can be replaced by each other.
Push-pull.class AB1.fixed bias. triode connection.
Ua.g2(0)………………………400 V
-Ug1(approx)…………………45 V
Rl…………………………………4 kΩ
üg(g1-g1.pk)………………… 90 V
Ia+g2………………………… 65 mA
Ia(max.sig)…………………130 mA
Pout……………………………13.3 W
Dtot……………………………4.4 %
Push-pull.class AB2.fixed bias.tetrode connection.
Ua(0)………………………360 360 V
Ug2…………………………225 270 V
-Ug1(approx)……………18 22.5 V
Rl……………………………6 3.8 kΩ
üg(g1-g1.pk)…………… 36.7 50.9 V
Ia(0)……………………… 78 88 mA
Ia(max.sig)………………142 205 mA
Ig2(0)………………………3.5 5 mA
Ig2(max.sig)…………… 11 16 mA
Pout…………………………31 42 W
Dtot………………………… 2 2 %