211-TII (one pair)
211-TII (one pair)
TII-Series: Positioning in exceeding totally, not only exceed all the same types of productions that always been imitating on the market, but also to exceed itself.
211-TII is direct-heated type thorium tungsten cathode triode, can be used as class A, B and C.
Uf————————————–10 V
If—————————————3.25 A
Direct Interelectrode Capacitances
input———————————-6 PF
output———————————-5.5 PF
grid to plate———————————-14.5 PF
Static parameter
Ua————————————–1250 V
—Ug————————————70 V
Ia————————————–100 mA
Gm————————————-3.8 mA/V
RL————————————–7 KΩ
Pout————————————10 W
Recommended Operating Conditions ( reference value)
class A(A-F) for two tubes:
typical working condition limited parameter
Ua——–750 1000 1250 1250 V
Pa—————————-75 W
—Ug——-46 61 80 V
Ug(pk)—–41 56 75 V
Ia(0)——-34 53 60 mA
ri———4.4 3.8 3.6 KΩ
RL——–8.8 7.6 9.2 KΩ
Pout——-5.6 12 19.7 W
Push-pull. class B(A-F)
typical working condition limited parameter
Ua—————— 1000 1250 1250 V
Ia (mAx.sig per tube)——————-175 mA
Pa (in) (mAx.sig per tube)————— 220 W
Pa (per tube)————————- 100 W
—Ug——————72 95 V
Ug(pk)—————–380 410 V
Ia (0)——————20 20 mA
Ia(mAx.sig)———–320 320 mA
Pd(mAx.sig)————7.5 8 W
RL(a—a)—————6.9 9 KΩ
Pout——————200 260W